Thursday, June 5, 2008


URBAN PEOPLE : The Survivor
(2 weeks after BBM price increase)

During this difficult time, everybody will hope that miracle will happen. For people like street children, children who live with crowded family and children that abandon by their father or parents, single women parents with children will pray and hope that God will help them.

- crying in the middle of the night and

- silent crying with empty stomach -

The pray,
- Please God and angel help us -


Elkana Catur said...

nice blog bu..
sekedar saran. mungkin ibu bisa ubah desainnya jadi tambah menarik. sehingga orang akan semakin banyak yang berkunjung ke sini.. gak perlu biaya mahal kok bu untuk ubah desain.. cukup banyak baca di internet dan berani coba-coba aja bu...
happy blogging

Chris D.P. said...

Thanks Catuy,
Need time ya.